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Pilot Baba in Moscow
December 5, 2007

Samadhi is a great rest. You have to become a seed. Seed is your samadhi. You are grown from the seed. The seed has been sprouted and has become a big tree now. This tree has many branches, many leaves, which has come as a mind, as a body, as a desire. So, you have to come back to yourself. You have to go beyond the tree, beyond the branches, the leaves. In other way you have to go beyond desire, beyond your will power, beyond your thought power, beyond your all the activities.
Coming from the source to outside is energy. Two types of energy: one is a sound, one is a light. Light is a measuring energy, sound is a relative energy. Light is karma energy, making karma energy, and the sound is a communication energy. Light works as electro-magnetic energy, and sound works as an electro-communication energy. We are active, and whole world is active. In one level we all are One. It is beyond casts, colour, and greedy, it is only one. We are the son of one Father. He is the first Teacher. It is as a nature. Earth is a first teacher, water is second, fire is third, air as wind is forth, and the space is fifth. We are the union of all five elements. Everybody has it. There are three types of energy: satva, raja, and tama. Everybody has this energy. You can be man of pure truth, you can be man of more action, you can be man of more destructive.
In India we have Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahma is a true energy. It is called creation, a man of creation. Brahma is there with you below your navel centre. Your all relationship, your all physical, and sexual things is Brahma, which has given a power to create, we have power to create. So, your lower part is a symbol of Brahma energy. And all your stomach, abdomen, mind, and heart - from navy chakra to the vishudha chakra - it is Vishnu. It is food digestion, all kind of fire, which has a power to transform, and transcendent, a power of taking care.
And Shiva is beyond the vishudha chakra. It is a moksha, it is a mukti, it is a death, it is a destruction - to kill you, to rape you, to make accident - everything control by the Shiva. It is tamas energy. You can think you have all energy within you. If one is not there, you are not there, nothing can remain without three. These are the source for us to practice, go beyond the body, to go beyond the mind. This energy divide into other five power energy. That is call: prana, apana, samana, vyana, udana. This three divide into five energy. Any kind of pranayama you are doing, any kind of mudra, asana, any type of mantra you are doing - that is within you.
The power of the mantra, the power of the knowledge, and the power of the techniques - all are controlled by the light, and the sound. And all theses things are within your body. You can go upwards, you can go downwards. You can rise to the top; you can fall down to the bottom.
Your mind can become animal mind, your mind can become devil mind, your mind can become divine mind. This depends on you. When you are practicing any kind of pranayama, any kind of asana, mudra, you have to keep watching. It will not take you against you, awareness will make you to understand, awareness will make you to feel that, to realize that it is the most practical technique to understand that you are not a body, not mind, you are not a doer. Every doing can be possible with the help of you. You are the sourse of energy, you are the center of the power, all the power coming from you to activate all parts of your organs.
Your eyes can not see without you, your ears can not hear without you, your breath can not work without you. Your any senses, your mind can not work without you. You are very important, very powerful, you are the source, you are the beginning. So, we try to come back to yourself. Which you practice today morning - it is to come back to yourself. Bhastrika is a science of awakening yourself. It will have organic movement inside you, to creating chemistry within yourself. Only bhaistrika can change whole chemistry in your body. Your thoughts can be changed, your personality can be changed, your face can be changed; it is very powerful. But if it is practiced with awareness; just to practice - no meaning. Maybe you are practicing 10 hours, 20 hours; maybe you are practicing 100 time, 500 hundred time make no difference because it will become a body. It can create heat in your mind, it can create your angry mind because it confuse your mind, it can make your mind very powerful. When power comes [you] start struggling to get a power in the world.
You journey is for yourself. We are trying not to go outside, you try to journey to yourself. So it is introvert's journey. It is a science of evolution, but we are teaching a science of dissolution. You are not using this science to contact with anybody, you are not going to use this science to make a relationship, it is not a journey towards the worldly affair. It is your freedom, so it will go inside. You have to very careful. As you've seen I have little changes while I gave you the practicing. What I say to do, in between I brought other technique to make you balance. If you remember, if you do bhaistrika pranayama, then I stress yourself closing the hand to make your energy introverts. If you done anulom viloma, then I made you to balance yourself, to inside, not going outside. After kapalpati also I gave you technique to be yourself. You have to take a very smart mind, you must notice why it has been given. I don't want you to become somebody's follower. I want you to use yourself, your energy, your belonging for you.
You should awaken yourself, you should energize yourself, you should try to enlighten yourself. Let illumination come to you. Not to have ideological slavery. You are here to raise yourself. You have to rise, rise, and rise, like the sun. Sun is rising to the midday, and another side, then sun is resting. You have to be like that, you are the sun: you come birth, to the middle age; you are rising, growing, experiencing many things. And after that in time you are going for your meditation, which is a silence meditation. Keep silence and watch; keep silence and watch. Total relax. It is your journey, it is a journey of your loneliness, it is a journey of complete aloneness. There is no ego, there is no violence, there is no love, no compassion, no hate, no disliking. I mean, it is beyond the mind activities, you are there. So, you are going to bath into the divine nectar. And all it depend on you. We can give you the path, we can give you the technique, but you have to practice. If you are not practicing and you want to be blessed - it is not possible. Nobody can do this. There is no such a power without your awakening, without your rising someone can not help you. If you want to ride a bike, you have to learn how to ride it. If you want to drive a car, then you have to learn how to do this.
You have to bring the perfectness in you. In the religion also, in the spiritual world also you have to perfect yourself. Not depending on any master, on any material things, which are more attractive to you. If you love somebody you've gone far away, if you like somebody you've gone far away. You have to save energy. For love, for liking you have to sale energy. The emptiness will come by the time you loose all energy. You have nothing to make yourself part of. Respecting your love and regards, and loving yourself is important. Respect your love, respect your friends, respect your master, and start loving yourself. Everything you've got is a bridge. Your body is a bridge inbetween you to the world. Your mind is a bridge between you to the physical body. Your buddhi, I mean cognition power is a bridge to know about the world, about the God, about your body. And your prana is a bridge to the God, to yourself, make your life. Whatever you got inside - all are the bridge to make you come and go in this world, and to be within you.
So, you are using breathing energy. I taught you morning only prana. Prana is a life energy, living energy, supporting energy, prana is a river. Prana is there then mind is there. If prana is there with you your mind is there, world is there, your realization is there. If not prana any time death can happen. Because it is very truth, it will happen to anybody. Before that we have to realize, recognize who you are.
If you know yourself, you are ready, you'll not get a fear of death, you welcome death as a good lover. This can happen when you practice the pranayama. You become fearless, you are start living fearless. So, you must believe yourself, must have a determination, must have a devotion and confidence in yourself. Because everything your are going to get is your karma fruit. Your karma is your birth, your life, your present, everything is your karma. We meet here because of our past karma. If don't have karma to the anybody you don't meet. You get your children because of your karma, samskara; meet your wife, husband because your samskara. You become rich and poor because of karma. Your karma is your karma. It is totally individual. How you are going to live you have to decide. What are you going to make you have to decide. What is a goal of the life, what is a destiny of the life - you have to discover, you have to find out. It is your body, it is your mind. Your body and mind have everything. Don't fight against your body, don't fight against your mind. Cooperate, and coordinate them to go beyond it. So, you can use your body, you can use your prana, your mind just to be yourself. Take care of your body, take care of your mind, take care of your senses, come back to yourself.
Prana you have practice, after practice prana - apana. But enlight every [part of your] body, first. Whatever you have learn morning, what type of practice, then you have to go more further, then you have both together. Then you have to drop down everything to be yourself. Today and tomorrow if you practice, it is a very good chances for experiences. What I can help I will help you. It depends on you. Because this Universe is coordinated. If nature is not coordinated, we are not here. If society, civilization don't cooperate nothing is there. We can not be loved in the world, we can not be living in this world. To feel that your body is a system, your mind is organization and it is your body, it is your mind, you have to control it. You have to control your mind, your senses, body. And you go through body, mind, senses to yourself.
It is a total coming back. How far you have gone, how big your mind has become, how you make your mind universal, how your mind is worldly - depends on you. So, we want you to come back to yourself. Let us go farther. I think you are ready for it.
Change you posture, sit in the relaxed posture, easy posture. First, celebrate the silence; no talk, no movement; just keep silence few minute. Close your eyes, sit on the spine, and keep silence. Not doing, not thinking, just total silence. Silence, silence, deeper silence. Please go for silence. Come on quiet, no movement, no thinking, no action, no activities, no image, no visualization.
Keep silence, watch yourself, you are watching your body, your mind, you feel that you are not a body, you are not a mind. Silence, keep silence. Watching, again watching, watching, watching.
On the seminar in Kiev Babaji said, 'if you feel you can teach the methodises I taught you then you can teach other. I am instructor for 2 years and in October I gave a seminar about Himalayan yoga after the teaching of Pilot Baba. The group has succeeded the seminar, they were new people. Now they regularly gather for studies My question is, if can go on with my activities based on Babaji's teaching?
We have no reason to stop you. Whatever you have learned to serve that techniques, that energy to others. But make sure that don't develop the ego, don't try to pretend ego; then you start loosing. You've to have very great love inside you, compassion inside you. Let not come to the mind. Let it make through your heart. Then you will very loving person. The technique, which I taught you, I make you to relax for two hours, it is very small. It is only for the first part. It will destroy your ego, it will cut your anger, it will make you to realize that you are a great person, you are a great heart. My teaching is not living as to pretend I am a great master, great persons. Many master teach you pretend themself, 'I am a great master,' which make yourself create mistake in your life. You can teach anyone, you can serve your energy to anyone being affectionate of your heart. If you teach more people, you gain more, more to you. Don't develop your ego, it is my blessing, and success to you.
Initially, while I relaxed more and more I felt pleasure. But about 20 minutes prior to waking up a pain in my elbow, knee, and hip joints appeared. And due to this pain I unwillingly lost such a state. What shall I do: sustain my pain further on, or go out of such state?
If pain comes exhale from the mouth, and pain dissappear.
My mind is clear, but it becomes boring and uninteresting to watch.
Check, which way your weight is there - right side, or left side? Then you have to balance it. When boring is there that is your mind. Sometimes mind pretend it is a watcher. If mind is watching you feel pain, you feel sorry, you feel boring; time is there, body is there.
How to get rid from that?
Mind can watch the mind, then you can go beyond the mind: first you have to become a watcher of the mind; mind can watch the mind: when you get boring then go beyond and watch the mind. That become self-awareness. If self awareness, there are no time, no boring. But mind awareness - there is a boring, there is tiredness.
If it does not come, will it come in a while, and do we need to sustain?
Yes, more and more practice, and it will happen.
Is there special command to the mind so that it would stop perceiving outer sounds, images?
Mind can be only controlled by prana. If you practice more pranayama and it activity will be blocked. Only pramnayama can help you.
May we do pranayama in shavasana?
It maybe negative approach. In shavasana we can do ashvini mudra, saktichalni mudra, mula bandha, uddiyana bandha. But you can not do kumbhaka, baistrika. You can do it in sit.
May we do concentration on breathing in shavasana?
We are practicing yoga. In order to develop our spiritual qualities is yama, niyama important?
If not practicing yama, niyama, mind disturbs, the mind will be confused. Yama-niyama is a discipline of the mind. Because mind is very powerful we need a concentrated mind, visualization mind, concentration mind, and for that we need yama-niyama.
Now a very small thing for all of you, people. You have to feel what you are, who you are, what you are doing, what for you are doing? What is the discipline of body, what is the discipline of mind? This you have to notice when you are practicing. You want to empower the body, empower the mind for what? Body can be used for worldly affairs, body can be used for mental entertainment. If you are entertaining your mind then your ego will develop. To maintain your ego you have to pretend: I am very great, I am doing great, I feel great, I am a great person. You loose your contact with your heart. So, it will give you a pleasure for small time. It will be just your jealous pretending to be what you are, pretending to pose yourself, 'I am great.' That will confined you with certain idea, with certain technique.
It is not a path of realizaion. It cannot take you into samadhi. What you are, first you have to free yourself. You have to make realize yourself, 'I am not a body.' This is my belonging, this is my element, this is my body. My body is material thing. It is my home where I am living. If I want I can change my home. If I want I can transform my home. This present home is a media go to the past, to go to the future, because your body has travelled from the past. You have millions of years of your past, not one past, and hundreds of house you had changed. That houses are different, different kind of your houses. All that memorized in your body, in your mind.
Now what you are doing that has memorizing in your mind. It can commence in the future, it can take you to the future that you can know your future. Not only many master, you can know your past, you can know your future. Just you have to develop your awareness. Just practice bhaistrika pranayama and develop your awareness: what you want to develop? You want to develop your vision, develop your imagination, develop your artist, paintings - anything you want. You can develop because it is already inside you. In the past you happened to be a great artist, for instance, you had to be great siddhi, great artist, sometime you had to be maybe great meditator. You have already practiced, it is there, you have just to bring it out while it is coming to you in the body, in the mind.
But you have to careful. You have two type of receptor: one is negative approach, one is positive. Proton is there, electron is there, one is receiver, one is disconnector. If both work together, it will be yourself. If it work one side you will feel a suffering, you feel a pain, because it will not be a balance energy. You see all the negative things, which is not good for you. And it is very powerful if electron move negative it will make your mind destructing, it will make your body destructing, it will make your thought destructing. You are going to make all your effort to fight your ego. So, you are one sided. One sider is not a completion. Maybe you are spiritual person, maybe you are religious person, but you are one sider. One sider - negative or positive - is not successful. Many great masters suffered a lot. Gurjiev, ... Musa. There are many great master their inner was not good. There are many successful future teller, there are very great healer, but they suffer into the madness into the last. And many were astounded to that, 'why?' In their earlier they are enlightenment. Because they are one-sider.
We are going in the centre, we are not going one side. I don't want you develop your ego. I am not here to make you feel that you are great. I am here to let you know that greatness is inside you. You can bring it, you can awaken it, and you can experience it. If I say you are great you will develop ego. If I say you experience your greatness, awaken your vision power, this pranayama is not severe you are doing. Not only I do, many masters do it. We can not say it is my techniques, it is travelling from very far away. Origin of this technique is from Veda and Himalaya. There are many master travelling from Himalaya. Many masters have experience of the Veda. These technique is coming to you. First you have to understand, and then you have to experiment. It is an experiment on your body, on your mind, on your conciousness. Make together. Body is a physical appearance, it is a first thorn. Through the body you can reach to your mind, and through the mind you can reach to your conciousness. Through the consciousness you can reach to your self-awareness.
Depend on not to hurry up. Science is always a discipline of experiment. How much fire you need, how much cool you need? Through the pranayama you can raise your cool. It can put into freezing your body, your mind. And your navel centre is a centre of your fire. It run through the pingla nada, right side. It can create any kind of fire, it can change your life, it can change your mind, your body. Through this technique if you practice proper way and proper time, not all the time, going beyond. Choose a time, every day select a time. Don't practice in the people. Here we have many energy, everybody have different, different thoughts, and everybody has very different, different level of energy. Sometime it will help you to grow high, and some energy push you go down. It is a combine experience.
You select a good place in your home, select a good time: morning time, and evening time; make sure that not heavy eating food, have light food and practice systematic. First practice the body. Body mean awareness. Then you pranayama - what for you want to practice? You want to develop your vision, to see the past, develop astrological method - anything and give a message to yourself. First, practice bhaistrika pranayama. After bhaistrika sit down. Not practice anymore, only bhaistrika pranayama practice. At least minimum 20-30 minutes sit down, complete your silence. What you are to gain give a message to yourself. It will appear to you. Then you practice kumbhaka pranayama. Kumbhaka pranayama will remain everything, it will hold it. You are not going to forget whatever happened to you, whatever has developed to you, it will hold it, it will complete to you. Otherwise memory will disappear.
After that practice to go deeper, and deeper. After kumbhaka you can sit down. You can go deeper meditation. [If] You want to go more, become 'no mind' you practice kapalpati. Kapalabhati create more joy, it is excited and warming up; more baking - hot, hot. It will exhale all the wrong things, wrong ideas, thoughts, approach. Everything will be exhale. It will make a depth within yourself. If you do not want to practice more after kapalabhati just sit down. That gap is the samadhi. After kapalpati you can also go Samadhi. But if you want to energize, to get more power, more energy, then you practice chakrasana. Chakrasana will create more nothingness, more emptiness, more gap. Chakrasana can open your serpent power. The serpent power is your kundalini energy. It is sleeping in the muladhara chakra, at the end of your spinal cord. It is just like a bottle closed with the cork. It is made just like a ling, we have in India Shiva lingam. On the Shiva lingam there is a serpent around, always coil serpent is there - your kundalini. That Shiva lingam a route from sushumna and starting from there. Sushumna is also known as Shiva nadi. It is a path of realization, a path of enlightenment.
But this are the slow method of realization, it is not a fast method. Kundalini practice is a tantra practice, mahayana practice, vajrayana practice. Kundalini awaken by kubhaka is vajrayana. This is more used by Gurjiev, very great philosopher of the world that you have know as Gurjiev. And Rajneesh Osho. Rajneesh year they practiced sex to the samadhi. But this are more brought madness to the people. If you are study a philosophy of Osho, Gurjiev you more become sexy life. Then you more exchange sex, and sex; you never success in your life. Because that energy is discharge energy. In that, in the course of meeting in sexual you are going to discharge your energy. We have no chosen in that path.
Himalayan masters said that you go beyond the death. You can practice the life force energy, prana energy on pranayama to bring a perfectness on your body, on your mind, on your consciousness. First you become perfect - your body, your mind, and your conciousness; and develop your awareness. Then you can practice apana. If you are in India I will first teach you apana, and second I will teach you prana. Here first I taught you prana, because Indian people they are reading Gita, they are reading Veda, they are reading yoga-Shasta - Indian philosopher, they are reading Vedanta, and most of people have their master. So, to lift that it is easy, to be teach apana, to quicker enlightenment, to faster enlightenment. Because if you practice more apana, apana has five aspects, very powerful technique. The first I taught you - ashvini mudra, secondly - satichalni mudra, and third is mula bandha, fourth is dholi kriya, and fifth is udhiyana bandha. These five step if are practice your kundalini is awaken in one hour. And it can purify whole organs of body, and it can take you beyond the death.
Through the apana you are not going to get any sidhi power. Apana is running towards Nothingness, apana is beyond the death, it is not for the life, it is beyond the life. It is a samadhi of Nothingness. We are going through the prana and entering into the apana. It means we want to experience the mind power, you want to experience the body levitation. Because when prana come in contact with udana then your body can fly to the roof. If your practice is there. It is a magnetic energy, it is a space gravitation. We have practice as ashvini mudra, we are practice bhaistrika pranayama. What you have to do - forget everything. Practice bhaistrika pranayama and go a step to the ashvini mudra - this will lift your body. Gravitation of Earth will be loosen, and gravitation of space will become powerful. It will not much higher technique, we don't prefer. In India we yogi don't any type of sidhi, we say, 'go beyond the sidhi.'
For you maybe interested levitate your body, fly your body. Just practice one hours bhaistrika pranayama. When you feel that your body so hot, you ready to start sweating, you can not control your warm up body, and you feel that both nostril are working together; just check that both nostril are working together. Then practice ashvini mudra, and then three bandha after ashvini mudra: mula bandha, udiyana bandha, jalalahara bandha. That is call maha-bandha. The moment your go maha-bandha your body will fly. That is power will come.
All the technique is beneficial for you. First it will make your body, then it will make you bodyless. It will make your mind strong, powerful, then you drop down to become a mindless. It will make your thought very powerful, reactive thoughts, active thoughts, sankalpit thought will come, you can fulfill your will power, then it will become thoughtless. Actual our jorney is bodyless, mindless, thoughtless. Then samadhi comes. You go through this root making your oneness to the anythings - that is mind success, worldly success, that is a sidhi power. We have many classes in India making sidhi. Many yogis are only teaching sidhi. Very famous yogi in the world are teaching sidhi power. He teach levitation or fly, in India. Different, different sidhi they are teaching. To me also many people come from Japan, from Amerika, Pakistan, other countries. What they want to, 'teach me I can see my past.' For us it is not a great thing. Everybody has a past, and everybody has a vision power, everybody has intuition power, everybody has six senses.
These can be developed by the help of pranayama. This desire, this will must be put by you, 'I want to develop my six senses, I want to look into the future, I must look into past.' Same technique little pross you will change the root - open special senses to work. Because all are memorizing your senses. For you it is new things to develop any senses, for us it is very old things. It is a disturbance of in the life. Whoever work in the world with the sidhis - in the last they are fail up, in the last they are confused, they are disturbed, lose their power. That's why I have taught you in one day to go beyond; experience the prana, go beyond prana, work with the death energy, and meditate to go beyond death. I have taught you to open your Buddha hood in yourself.
Buddha - yogi says - central energy, Buddha not left energy, right energy. Once you become a buddha, once you awaken your buddhahood, everything follow him. You can be richest man in the world, you can have a beautiful personality, you can have a deepest love than any other; you are not losing anything, you are gaining everything. But in the beginning you have to avoid because this kind of practice develop much more ego. You start pretending yourself to be great, to be great. It will great disturbance in your life. You can not go beyond that pretending. You have more energy, you start fight what you are pretending to be. I wish you not to develop your ego, not to pretend to be great. Try to go beyond all these sidhi, try to go beyond the mind, and try to real reach samadhi. Then there is no birth. That is call moksha, salvation, nirvana - that is samadhi.
I'm trying to teach you some things short time, very short time. See, I am teaching in India for 40 days. Whoever I taught 40 days I took. In future if you are really interested in samadhi you have to give your 40 days. 18 days you have to prepare. [See details in the other lectures of Babaji.]
Personal question on paper note.
Can you forget what you don't need? What you have to take, what is not that is there. Energies are always together. One is balanced byopposit energy. Positive is balanced by negative energy; positive is balanced by negative energy. If there is no love, there is no hate. If there is a love, there is a hate, and if there is hate there is love. So, we have to always think, if there is no war, there is no peace. Peace and war is going together. There is no violance without non-violance. Non-violence is there - there is violence. You are in-between two line. If you want to be one you can be one. If you want to be two - that is a confusion. That's why we have to come in the center. What you want to keep it that is depend on you: you can keep it, you can remove it, which you don't want. That perfectness must be practice to come into you. Your longing power, your willpower will successful operation. You get awake your will to remove your negative thoughts, and you can operate your will to keep your positive thoughts. This can come to you by practice.
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